SME can arrange for on-site manufacturing site tours locally at member companies.
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Donate todaySME can help you start a High School Shop Program by connecting Manufacturing Companies and networking for equpment.
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Donate TodayWe work with local machinery representatives and companies to purchase and/or donate equipment for schools needing help.
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Donate TodayInstructors for High Schools have to committ themseleves to alot more than just the regular school day. They spend an enormous amount of time at night and weekends for students and it takes the right person to do this!
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Donate TodayIndustrial Programs need Administration Support from the top to be successful be it money, facility expansion, and instructor interviews,
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Donate TodaySchools are always looking for supplies - metal bars to cut for projects, calipers, tooling, special tooling, etc.
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Donate TodayAnonymous
SME-EF and SME Chicagoland provided a clear path forward for Proviso West High School for BW to donate $350,000 and SME -EF matched our donation so we could provide $700,000 over three years trying to re-engage them into the Technical Arts for a machine shop program